Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What exactly is a soft opening?

I suppose this is a soft opening, eh? Welcome everyone, ourselves included, to our own little corner of cyberspace. The rent is reasonable, and the view is decent. What we have here is an opportunity to communicate. Idaho Falls has so many treasures to offer, that we feel publishing them here is only commonsense! Mostly we think our kids are amazing and need media exposure at this critical point in their careers. At this point, it is necessary to give a shout out to those who have blazed the trail on the internet, showing us the way to stay digitally connected...we salute you. Sarah is wondering how much of my humor will actually come through on this platform, we'll leave that debate to the pundits.
All in all it's been a great summer here in the high desert. The following are some great examples of what might make a great made-for-TV movie!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

um....zak, are you wearing a fanny pack in the first picture?